
What is the very first thing you think of when you think of November? Well, if you’re like most other Americans, you probably think of Thanksgiving! I think it is only right and proper that we should immediately think of Thanksgiving when November rolls around. Why, you ask? Well, I believe the harvest time with all the bounty of the crops and the beauty of the landscape with its bright and glowing colors ought to bring “Thanksgiving” to our minds for our great God who is responsible for all these amazing and wonderful things! Remember what the Apostle Paul said in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” So, how can we not just stop, take it all in for a moment, and respond with a heart filled with thanksgiving to God?


As you contemplate what you are thankful for and how to give thanks and show your appreciation to God for those things, I would like to hopefully encourage you in some new ways. If you were asked what you are thankful for, you would likely answer: God, family, children, home, job, vehicle, church family, friends and so on. These are all good answers and certainly valid reasons to be thankful. But I want to challenge you to go deeper! How can you truly show God how much you appreciate Him and what He has done for you? I want us to appreciate our relationship with God in Christ more deeply and show it to God and others in more meaningful ways!


For example: (1) Remember God in all things and at all times, (2) Recognize His hand in all things, (3) Give Him thanks in prayer for all things, (4) Repent of your sins every day, (5) Obey Him in all things, (6) Generously serve others, (7) Be grateful and thank others, (8) Have an attitude of gratitude, (9) Choose to be humble. Well, you get the idea!


We will, of course, celebrate on “Thanksgiving Day” with a variety of amazing things like turkey dinners with all the trimmings, pumpkin pie, watching football, visiting with family, etc. Likewise, in order to really show our love, appreciation, and thankfulness to God and for the blessings He gives to our church family we will once again celebrate with a “Welcome Home Sunday” which will be held on November 25th with a guest speaker to share with us! This promises to be a wonderful time of worship, music, fellowship, good food, and just plain fun and good times! Please plan to attend and bring someone with you, especially someone that may have been missing from the assembly of the saints in recent weeks, months, or even years!


In closing, I can’t encourage you enough to take this wonderful opportunity that the month of November brings to praise God and give Him thanks! Yes, consider what God has done through our Lord Jesus Christ and “Give Thanks” to our Heavenly Father!!!

 In His Loving Service,
